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Vegetable processing, Page 3

Page 3 of 3 - 28 items total
Corrugating knife right
stainless steel corrugating knife
Code: 260051/1
SONIX Spaghetti slicer
spaghetti vegetable slicer
Code: 260026
2921 lis na cesnek nerez
Garlic Press - stainless
Currently unavailable

Garlic Press - stainless steel

Code: 260068
Vacuum pump (Suction bell)

The vacuum pump, or suction bell, is an efficient helper when making jam, stewed fruit, pickled vegetable, etc., but also 

for preservation of dry foodstuff, such as lentils, beans, nuts, dried mushrooms, dried fruits, spice, coffee.


Code: 260069
Nabídka značek